Presentación (Español)

Presentation (English)

FIVE Key Elements in Communication

When you go on stage to speak in public, a process of communication and information transmission begins in which I distinguish FIVE key elements to be always taken into account in perfect balance, in order to achieve that clear objective of conveying a certain message so as to later get results.
We already know that it is a difficult task to achieve results, if the message is not conveyed correctly, as stated in the third key to my vision.
These elements are, Content, Voice, Body Language, Staging and Audience.
Five elements that are the Work Areas of my VALDIVIESO EAC Communication 360 Method I use to develop Communication Skills.
I highlight the importance of attention to detail, and I use the preparation of a Caipirinha as a simple and clear example. Even having the best content in the world, the best PPT slides in the world, or the best story in the world, if body language, vocal variety, and script are not good, the possibility of not being able to communicate effectively is very high, and conveying your message effectively is essential to achieve results.

Comunicación Efectiva (Español)

Effective Communication (English)

The Importance of Communication (Español)

Effective communication consists of a set of details, and the perfect balance between staging and content. Effective communication contributes to success, as a motivated audience is encouraged to take immediate action. Communication is certainly important in all aspects of life, not only at professional level, as it may seem at first glance. In any case, you’ll have a hard time getting results if your message is not conveyed effectively.

Rehearsing (Español – English)

Antonio rehearses a speech for a presentation together with the Spanish interpreter.
One of the things that becomes most appreciated at the time of attending international events, is the fact of not having to wear headsets permanently. Alternating two languages ​​is definitely a great solution, as long as it is cheerfully, and above all, dynamically accomplished.

If you are not around, you don’t play no more (Español)

My life philosophy.
One of my own favourite quotes. Behind it, there is the simplicity of becoming aware of the fact of just being. It is appreciating what we have, it is the joy of living. It is enjoying every moment and the little things, and not the hope of the big happiness as Pearl Buck said. Groucho Marx also used to say, you are the owner of your emotions and your decisions, and likewise Steve Jobs said, your time is limited, and it is not to be wasted living someone else’s life.
My invitation to reflection.